Вставьте пожалуйста пропущенные слова - вопрос №4991427

1.P… is a chemical process that produces energy and q…is a strong plant that is grown for its seeds.

2. B…will grow into flowers and plants absorb nutrients from the soil with their r…

3. P…occurs in the leaves of a plant and Tom keeps a detailed g…c… of the crops to test how effective his fertilizers are.

4. F… plants usually produce colorful blooms in the spring.

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Photosynthesis is a chemical process that produces energy and Quinoa is a strong plant that is grown for its seeds. Bulbs will grow into flowers and plants absorb nutrients from the soil with their roots. Photosynthesis occurs in the leaves of a plant and Tom keeps a detailed record/ log/ chart of the crops to test how effective his fertilizers are. Flowering plants usually produce colorful blooms in the spring.
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Фаиза Саидова

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