Помогите!!АНглийский! - вопрос №117459

Перевести предложение и указать вид условного предложения: 1.Если он будет принимать лекарства он быстро поправится. 2.На вашем месте я бы не обещал этого. Написать сочинение о школе, используя эти слова: take part, assist, pass an exam, find out, learn, join, teach, study, attend.


1. If he takes medicine he will get better soon. — Conditional I — условное предложение 1-го типа, когда действия реалистичны и произойдут в скором будущем.

2. If I were you I wouldn't promise that. — Conditional II — условное предложение 2-го типа (действия гипотетические и не имеют отношения к реальным событиям).


I like going to school because I can take part in different academic and sport competitions. My favourite subject is Physics. I also assist my teacher in the laboratory sometimes due to my academic excellence. Next year I'm going to take final exams and I hope I'll pass them without any problem. When I attend Physics classes I always come to conclusion that science is my passion. I can study hard for hours. Now I'm writing a research paper and I'm going to find out how mathematical methods in applied sciences correlate with the theoretical part. Don't think, please, I'm a nerd hanging around with books and encyclopedias. I also go in for sports. Now I'm learning how to knock out the sparring partner at one hit. I have joined the boxing team of our city. As you got I'm a senior student and at weekends I teach my brother to solve maths problems. I'm sociable and easy-going having good time with my friends. The holidays are over and back to school again. I have to do my best to get good score at my exams next year. So, that's what I wanted to tell you about myself.



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