Ask questions about the Monte Carlo Conference Centre. Put the words in the right order to make the questions. - вопрос №819972

Ask  questions  about  the  Monte  Carlo  Conference Centre.  Put  the  words  in  the  right  order  to  make  the  questions.

Example: Centre / Conference / is / the / where? — Where is the Conference Centre?

1. aren’t / are / Centre / hotels / how / many / near / the / there / there?

2. far / airport  / an / or/ not / Centre  / is / the?

3. airport  / far / is / is / Monaco / not / the / it / from?

4. by / does / get / helicopter / how / it / long / take / there / to?

5. does / fly / from / how / it / long / Madrid / take / there / to?

6. links / there / road / are / and / good / rail?

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1.How many hotels are near the center,aren't there ?

2.The airport is not far or an centre ?

3.The airport is not far from the monaco,is it ? 

------------Простите допишу позже, нет времени, не уверен со 2 вариантом.

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