Контрольная работа №1 Задание 1... - вопрос №927314

Контрольная работа №1 Задание 1. Прочитайте текст и выполните задания. A Typical President The American Institute of Management published some interesting material about life stories of presidents of some large corporations. They collected this material as answers to their questionnaires. They included some questions about the age, education, profession, family background, family life, hobbies and habits into the questionnaires. Belowis the questionnaire with the answers to it. Your name and surname …………………. Jim Armstrong Your age …………………………………. I am 40. I was born in 1982. Your education …………………………… I am a college graduate. Your profession (occupation) ……………. I am an engineer. When did you marry? ……………………… I married at 35. Whom did you marry? ……………………. I married the daughter of our president. What was your father? ……………………. He was vice president of our company. What is your hobby? ……………………… I play football, golf and bridge. Do you smoke, drink? ……………………… I don’t smoke, but I drink a little in the ……………………………………………… interests of my business. The answers were analyzed, computerized, and published in the following form: “The typical president spends his business life with one company, or in a single industry. He has a college degree, he becomes president before 45, and he marries later than most men. He usually begins work as an engineer, he is the son or the son-in-law of the president; he likes sports and has no bad habits. Words 1. life story – биография 2. questionnaire — анкета 3. family background – социальное происхождение 4. family life – сведения о семье 5. be born – родиться (When were you born? Where were you born?) 6. surname (last name) — фамилия 7. to graduate from… – окончить (вуз) 8. a graduate — выпускник 9. to marry – жениться, выйти замуж; married – женат; замужем 10. to computerize – обрабатывать на компьютере 11. degree – степень, диплом; to have a college degree – иметь диплом об окончании вуза 12. single – холост; не замужем 13. son-in-law – зять; mother-in-law – теща, свекровь; father-in-law – тесть, свекор 14. habit — привычка 15. employee – служащий; работник Задание 2. Письменно ответьте на вопросы. 1. What institute published some statistical material? 2. On what basis did they collect the material? 3. What points did the questionnaire include? 4. What is the name and surname of the person who filled in the questionnaire? 5. What is his age? 6. When was he born? 7. What is his education? 8. What is he by profession? 9. At what age did he marry? 10. Whom did he marry? 11. What was his father? 12. What is Jim’s hobby? 13. Does he smoke and drink? 14. What is typical for the president of a business company? Задание 3. Подберите английские эквиваленты для следующих слов и словосочетаний. — биография — опубликовать статистический материал — стать президентом компании — собрать информацию — иметь высшее образование — в возрасте 35 лет — родился в 1987 году — играть в гольф — анализировать и обрабатывать всю информацию на компьютере — иметь вузовский диплом — быть выпускником колледжа — Американский институт управления American institute of management — иметь плохие привычки to have bad habits — анкета questionnaire Задание 4. Вставьте необходимую форму глагола to be: am\am not, is\isn’t, are\aren’t. 1. I am… from Russia. 2. Debbie and Mark … British. They … German. 3. My friend is… interested in computers. 4. His parents … around 40. 5. Ann … at home. Her children … at school. 6. How old … you? I … 18. 7. London … situated on the River Evans. It … situated on the River Thames. 8. Our students … from different places. 9. I … keen on sports. But I … rather good at basketball. 10. Her name … Jane. It … Helen. 11. I … married yet. I … single. Note: be interested in — интересоваться чем-либо be keen on – увлекаться чем-либо be good at – уметь делать что-либо хорошо Задание 5. Вставьте необходимую форму глагола to have. 1. We ………………. English lessons twice a week. 2. I …………………… no time to help you yesterday. 3. They …………………… a conference tomorrow. 4. Will he …………… any lectures tomorrow? 5. My sister ………………… a good time in Greece last summer. 6. When ………… you …………… your holiday? 7. She ………………. many friends abroad. 8. Where ………… you …………… a rest last summer?


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