Поставьте глаголы в скобочках в The Past Indefinite Passive - вопрос №1299747

The Past Indefinite Passive

1. The floor (to paint) last summer

2. All pupils (to supply) with book

3. The houses (to build) last year

4. The work (to do) in time

5. The written works (to return) to us by teacher

6. This shelf (to make) by Town last week

7. An interesting job (to promise) to her

8. The radio (to invented) by Popov

Лучший ответ по мнению автора

1. was painted
2. were supplied
3. were built
4. was done
5. were returned
6. was made
7. was promised
8. was invented
Лучший ответ по мнению автора

Другие ответы

1. The floor was painted last summer

2. All pupils were supplyed with book

3. The houses were built last year

4. The work was done in time

5. The written works were returned to us by teacher

6. This shelf was made by Town last week

7. An interesting job was promised to her

8. The radio was invented by Popov



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Фаиза Саидова

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