Проверьте текст пожалуйста. - вопрос №2191778

In my childhood we had cat Kuzya. I saw a small and helpless kitten when I was going home from school. He was dirty and exhausted. At home, I put him to order, washed and fed him. Over time it had become a large and brazen ginger cat. It had bright green and clever eyes and very long whiskers. My cat was very fat and kind. Its paws are big with small clutches. Most of all Kuzya liked to sleep. When I went to school it sees me off to the door. And when I came back it meets me back at home.

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In my childhooh we had a cat called Kuzya. Once when I was going home from school i saw a small and helpless kitten. It was dirty and looked exhausted. At home I tidied him up, washed him and fed him. As time went by he has become a big and brazen ginger cat. It had bright green and clever eyes, and very long whiskers as well. My cat was very fat and kind. Its paws were big and the clutches on them were small. Most of all Kuzya enjoyed sleeping. When I used to leave for school it would always see me off to the door. Then when i used to come back it would meet me right in the doorway. :)




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Фаиза Саидова

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