I (a) come from Switzerland. I (b) came to London six months ago to learn English. I (c) haven`t met many English people yet, only my teachers. I (d) - вопрос №2241466

started learning English at school at Switzerland when I was eleven, so I (e) have learnt /have been learning it for nearly ten years. At first in London, I (f) didn`t understand anything, but now my English (g) has improved. I (h) have just taken an exam. If I (i) pass, I (j) am going to move into the next class. I’m excited today because my parents (k) are coming to stay with me for a few days and I (l) haven`t seen them for a long time. They (m) have never been to England and they (n) don`t speak English. Задание сделано, определите пожалуйста время.
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