Помогите подобрать функцию герундия. - вопрос №2618530

1. Learning English is not an easy thing.
2. His friend began learning French.
3.Russian scientists played an important part in solving the problem of atmospheric
4. Studying nature without making observation is useless.
5. Any noise revents me from working.
6. He doesn’t like being praised, he is too modest.
7. We didn’t mind her helping us.
8. Reading aloud can help you to improve your pronunciation.
9. In speaking about Moscow one has no choice but to quote long figures.
10. Muscovites have a special manner of walking, working, resting, communicating with 63
each other.
11. You can’t become a good specialist without being trained for a long time.
12. We heard of the experiment having been started last week.
13. They couldn’t help using this information.
14. We succeeded in building a flexible system.
15. We are at the beginning of a new way of working, shopping, playing and communicating.
16. Lately some students have stopped writing and have begun pointing
and clicking.
17. In fact, communicating with people is an obvious way to use the
Web, and students are already doing it all the time from making dates to buying
stocks and auctioning cars.

Лучший ответ по мнению автора

1)Подлежащее 2) СГС 3)Предложное косвенное дополнение 4) Подлежащее — Studying, making --Обстоятельство 5) предложное косвенное дополнение 6) Прямое дополнение 7) сказуемое  8)Подлежащее 9) обстоятельство 10)Определение 11)Обстоятельство 12) Предложное косвенное дополнение 13) Прямое дополнение 14) Предложное косвенное дополнение 15) Определение 16) СГС 17) communicating -Подлежащее, предложное косвенное дополнение — from making dates to buying.
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