Составить сочинение (12 предложений) на тему "Моя будущая профессия - это учитель". - вопрос №3292424


Учитель какого предмета? Какой уровень подразумевается? 100-150 рублей в зависимости от уровня сложности.
To start with, It's always difficult to choose a future profession. But for me it wasn't a problem. Since my childhood I've already known that I will be a teacher. My grandma was a teacher, my mother is a teacher, and I also want to be a teacher.
Being a teacher is not so easy, as it seems. You've got to be patient, keep children's interest. You shouldn't be aggressive or something like that. My mom often says that only two things are importang in teaching: the first one is loving children, and the second one is loving the subject you teach. Surely, I agree with her words.
Besides, I want to work as a teacher, because I love communicating with children. I think that in some cases children are even smarter than we. They are so curious and It's never boring with them.
In conclusion I want to say that no matter what profession you have chosen, the only thing which is important is to love your job.


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Фаиза Саидова

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