Задание 1 Подберите к каждому понятию определение. road, freeway (AmE), railway, ring road, slip road, bridge, turnpike, service road, achievement, trunk road - вопрос №4560868

1. a very wide road in the US, built for fast travel. 2. a permanent track composed of a line of parallel metal rails fixed to sleepers, for transport of passengers and goods in trains. 3. a structure that spans and provides a passage over a road, railway, river, or some other obstacle. 4. a motorway for using of which a toll is charged. 5. something that has been accomplished, especially by hard work, ability, or heroism. 6. an open way, usually surfaced with asphalt or concrete, providing passage from one place to another. 7. a main road that bypasses a town or town centre. 8. a relatively narrow road running parallel to a main road and providing access to houses, shops, offices, factories, etc., situated along its length. 9. a short road connecting a motorway, etc., to another road. 10.a main road, esp. one that is suitable for heavy vehicles.изображение из вопроса


1. freeway 

2. railway



5. achievement 

6.trunk road

7. ring road

8. service road

9. slip road

10. road



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