Сенникова Анисия Валентиновна (34587)

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Окончила Московский государственный университет им. М.В. Ломоносова, вскоре по личным причинам сменила ФИО

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ответ эксперта
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ответ эксперта
лучший ответ
1. How to read the majority of people?

2. How important for your child in the future?

3. For what need a child to read?

4. How affect academic performance of children in secondary school with poor reading?

5. As reflected in wages in adulthood for people who read bad?

6. As the proportion of 11-year-olds in England who can not read?

7. As a child reaches the level in England, if he is well read?

8. As the percentage of children in England reaches 4bvozrasta 11 years?

9. How influence on the child's school?

10.K consequences of early education?

11.What means education for children?

12.Na that the standard of education is directed in England?

13. What children need to know the level reached 4b?

14.Pochemu 4% of children can not reach the level 4b?

15. How children prefer a book to read at the age of 11 years in England?
ответ эксперта
У эксперта Сенникова Анисия Валентиновна (34587) пока что нет блогов
Рейтинг: 259
0% положительных
5 ответов клиентам
2 лучших
от 0 до 500 руб.
стоимость консультации
15 минут
консультация длится
7 лет 9 месяцев эксперт на сайте
Заходил 7 лет назад
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