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Американский Английский


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A country provides necessities: healthful air, water, and soil, climate wherein we prosper.


An ideal country / Harmony land /  provides such necessities as clean air, water and soil, as well as a climate where we can prosper. 



Harmony land is a country located in south central Europe. 

Harmony land is an archipelago in the Central Marble sea. 


Harmony land is a country located in South Central Europe. It is an archipelago in the Central Marble sea. 


Harmony land has a Subtropical climate, with mild winters and warm summers.




Harmony land has a subtropical climate with mild winters and warm summers.



It is never very cold or very hot. Here good climate for growing of fruits




It is neither too cold nor too hot there. They have a good climate for growing fruits. 


 My country has an excellent situation. Because it is near the ocean. The birds sing songs. You can find a lot of baby animals.



My country has an excellent climate because it is located near the ocean. The birds sing songs, and you  /one /  can see a lot of (various?) baby animals there.


In this country you are never very far from the coast.

In this country you / one /  can never be too far from the coast.



People are very friendly. They are proud of the reputation of hospitable owners.

People are very friendly. They are proud of their reputation for hospitality.


People live in green hillside within a 7-minute walk of sand beach.


People live on green hillside (hillsides?) within a 7-minute walk from a sand beach (beaches? если множественное число то артикль A исчезает).





It is near the sea.  

You can find a lot of baby animals. 


не понятно — при чем здесь спорт. что находится рядом с морем? фраза о множестве зверенышей уже повторялась раньше.




 Harmony land has a very broad and diverse architectural style.   

Life is in full swing.



 Harmony land has very diverse architectural styles. Life is in full bloom.


 эти 2 фразы как то неловко рядом соседствуют кажется.




Football is the most popular sport in Harmony land.  The national stadium is called «Future stars»

тут не надо вроде бы ничего менять


 надеюсь помогла — хотя некоторые вещи непонятны. хорошо бы иметь вдобавок текст на русском чтобы прояснить что конкретно автор текста имел в виду.



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