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Преподаю английский язык более 14 лет. Помогу с грамматикой, лексикой или идиоматикой английского языка. Нужен перевод - не проблема. Курсовая или дипломная работа - тоже осилим! Смело обращайтесь.
Последний отзыв
Ооо, спасибо Вам большое! Вы сделали такую работу для меня, я просто бесконечно Вам благодарна! Думаю, пять мне обеспечено) Определенно, самый лучший эксперт в области данного предмета! Спасибо"  
Всего эксперт дал 143 ответов, Рейтинг: +454 (90 лучших ответа, 5 голоса - За, 1 голоса - Против).
Ответ эксперта

Разница между этими фразами в том, что to pass an exam значит «сдать экзамен» (то есть позитивный результат), а to take an exam означает «сдавать экзамен» в том смысле, что вы принимаете участие в экзамене (результат не известен)

Например, предложение: Завтра я буду сдавать экзамен. переводится с выражением to take an exam: I am taking my exam tomorrow.

А предложение: Я сдал все экзамены. — I have passed all my exams.

Понимаете разницу?

Ответ эксперта

6, 4,2,8, 1, 5, 7, 3, 9 — What do you do if you can't sleep at night?

Ответ эксперта

b)What c)Who

Ответ эксперта

1 When Ann came to the college library, Betsy was reading her book.She said she had been reading since 12 o'clock

2 I asked Bess if she had heard from Kate. She said Kate worked as an English teacher in Germany. She had been working there for half a year.

Ответ эксперта

1 Let's  finish the translation today, shall we?

2You are not angry with us, are you?

3 Let's speak English, shall we?

4 There is nothing you could do, is there?

5 Pass this plate round, will you?

Ответ эксперта

When Mrs.West entered the room, Betsy was talking over the telephone.

She  and Ann had been speaking for 20 minutes already.

Her mother told her to give her the telephone for a while.

She  must talk to Dr.Bell.

When  Dr. Bell took the call she said:«this is Mrs. West speaking. I want to tell you that Sid is better now.

Ответ эксперта

1) out of

2) down on

3) on with

4) away from

5) down on

6) out of

 7)on with

8) up with

9) back on (наверное там в тексте должно быть childhood вместо children, to look back on значит «вспоминать»)

10) forward to 

Лучший ответ по мнению автора
Ответ эксперта

1)Are you married?No,i am single.But i had like to get married some day.

2)Whatever happened to Ann?She met a German boy one week and married him the next.

3)I am never going to marry again.Twice is enough.

4)How many times have you been married?

5)Darling,i love you.Will you marry me?

6)We had a lovely wedding.We got married in a small country church,then had the reception in the lical week.

7)Did you hear?James and Henrietta got married last week. 

8)Richard Burton married Elizabeth Taylor twice.

9)We are engaged,and we are going to get married next autumn.

Лучший ответ по мнению автора
Ответ эксперта

1)Shakespeare died in 1616.

2)Her father's death came as a great surprise.He was only 45.

3)Those flowers have died. Throw them away.

4)Every winter thousand of birds die in the cold weather.

5)Is old Bertie Harrison still alive?I am sure he is dead. Didn't he die a few years ago?

6)Our poor old cat is dying. We have had her for fifteen years.She just sits on the chair all day long. She still got a good appetite,though.

7)He was stabbed to death by a maniac in a dark alley.

8)She screamed when she saw the dead body lying across the carpet.

9)My father died three years ago.My mother has been dead for ages.

10)When did your dog die?What did it die of?

He had a heart attack.One minute he was fine,the next minute he was dead.

Лучший ответ по мнению автора
Ответ эксперта

1)Where were you born?

2)When is you birthday?

3)I was born in Africa.

4)She gave birth to a beautiful healthy boy.

5)(on an official from)PLACE OF birth

6)Congratulations on the birth of little Albert.

7)What are you doing for your birthday this year?

Лучший ответ по мнению автора
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