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Преподаю английский язык более 14 лет. Помогу с грамматикой, лексикой или идиоматикой английского языка. Нужен перевод - не проблема. Курсовая или дипломная работа - тоже осилим! Смело обращайтесь.
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Ооо, спасибо Вам большое! Вы сделали такую работу для меня, я просто бесконечно Вам благодарна! Думаю, пять мне обеспечено) Определенно, самый лучший эксперт в области данного предмета! Спасибо"  
Всего эксперт дал 143 ответов, Рейтинг: +454 (90 лучших ответа, 5 голоса - За, 1 голоса - Против).
Ответ эксперта

a) talked, b) told, c) asked, d) said, e) asked, f) explained, g) tell, h) speak,

i)replied/said, j) tell, k) speak/talk, l) said, m) talk, n) said

Лучший ответ по мнению автора
Ответ эксперта

1) Peter agreed to lend Ann his car.

2) Bill admitted that he had stolen the money.

3)Bill denied that he had hit the old lady.

4) The professor boasted that he could speak eleven languages perfectly.

5) Angela promised to leave work early.

6) Henry complained that his soup was cold.

7)Jane refused to help Megan with her homework.

8) Mark and James arranged (agreed) to meet on Thursday.

Лучший ответ по мнению автора
Ответ эксперта

1) She told him to leave her alone.

2)He asked her not to go.

3) He told Ann he was going to bed.

4)Jeremy asked his father how much he earned.

5)The teacher told the class to shut up.

6)The secretary asked Mr.Brown to phone back later.

7)The teacher told the class that they had done (did) very well in the test.

8) The park keeper told the children not to walk on the grass.

9)Sally asked Bill if he was ready to go.

10) John told his daughters it was time to get up.

Лучший ответ по мнению автора
Ответ эксперта

1)She asked Tom to do her a favour.

2) The teacher told the class to hand in their essays the next week.

3)My wife reminded me to post the letter.

4)Rosie inveted John to have dinner with them.

5)The judge ordered Edward Fox to pay a fine of one hundred pounds.

6) Betty persuaded Jane to buy the red dress.

7) Gill encouraged Henry to paint professionally.

8) She begged me not to tell her father.

9)Bill's accountant advised him to sell his shares.

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Ответ эксперта

1)First he asked Mrs Smith how much money she wanted to borrow.

2)Them he wanted to know why she needed it.

3)He needed to know what she did.

4)She had to tell him how much she earned.

5)Then he asked if she was married.

6)For some reason,he wanted to know if she had any children.

7)He asked her how long she had lived in her flat.

8)Finally he wondered when she would like to get the money.

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Ответ эксперта

How much money do you want to borrow?

Why do you need it?

What do you do?

And how much do you earn?

Are you married?

Have you got any children?

How long have you lived there?

When would you like to get the money?

Лучший ответ по мнению автора
Ответ эксперта

1) She asked me if I wanted to go out for a meal.

2) They wondered why I was late.

3) He asked me if he could use my phone.

4) The customs officers asked me  where I'd come from.

5)She wanted to know how long I was going to be on holiday.

6) She asked me when I had to go to work.

7) Penny wondered if I had posted her letter.

8)He asked her if she would be back early.

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Ответ эксперта

1) She said she was going to Paris soon.

2) I thought the film would be  interesting.

3) She said she couldn't help me because she had too much to do.

4) I was told that Ann had bought the tickets

5) She said she thought it was a stupid idea and it wouldn't work.

6) The receptionist explained that breakfast was served between 7.00 and 9.00.

7) He boasted that he had gone to Oxford University in the 60s.

8)She told me she had never been to America.

Ответ эксперта

1) She said she was going to Paris soon.

2) I thought the film would be  interesting.

3) She said she couldn't help me because she had too much to do.

4) I was told that Ann had bought the tickets

5) She said she thought it was a stupid idea and it wouldn't work.

6) The receptionist explained that breakfast was served between 7.00 and 9.00.

7) He boasted that he had gone to Oxford University in the 60s.

8)She told me she had never been to America.

Лучший ответ по мнению автора
Ответ эксперта

a) would be

b) was, had, led, were 

a) would have

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