от 50 p.
С удовольствием помогу с заданиями по английскому языку, в переводе и редактировании текстов; по русскому языку; литературе. Консультирую в чате. Большая просьба - СТАВЬТЕ ОЦЕНКУ за бесплатную консультацию и за мои ответы на общие вопросы. Повторная
Последний отзыв
Вера,спасибо Вам огромное,извините,что так долго,немного ступил.Удачи Вам во всём.До новых встреч.  
Всего эксперт дал 347 ответов, Рейтинг: +535 (97 лучших ответа, 52 голоса - За, 2 голоса - Против).
Ответ эксперта

1. She is a practical person.

2. You have helped me out of trouble so much.

3. Pieces of advice given by parents are ignored.

4. Let me give you advice. 

5. All our conditions and risks would have been senseless if we hadn't got a message from the headquaters that our information had been received on time.

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Ответ эксперта

1.Dad phoned us and asked if our laggage had alreadybeen packed.

2.What a pity,John won`t come.He has been told about the meeting beforehand.

3.The Tower of London was built by William the Conqueror in 1078 as a castle and palace.Since that time it was expanded to its present size, and was used as an armoury,a zoo,a royal mint,a prison and a museum.At the time when it  was a prison  a lot of people were locked in the Tower for their religious beliefs or suspected  treason.Ann  Boleyn,Sir Walter Raleigh and Elizabeth  the First were shut up there,too.Spies were imprisoned in the tower  during  both World Wars .Some at the  prisoners were allowed to walk in the grounds, live in comfortable  rooms and receiv visitors.Many convicted were publicly executed on tower Hill. They have been beheaded with  the block and axe ,which are kept and shown in the tower Armoury now.The Jewel  House is situated at the tower. The collection of the Crown Jewels is kept in it.

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Ответ эксперта

1. The criminal has been identified by the witnesses.  Преступник был опознан свидетелями.

2. Important evidence is being gathered by the investigating officers. Важные улики сейчас собираются следователями.

3. The accused was found guilty by the jury. — Обвиняемый был признан виновным присяжными.

4. The Prime-minister is appointed by the President. — Премьер-министр назначается Президентом. 

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Ответ эксперта

I didn't love my husband, he was a cold and selfish man. But I didn't murder him, either. After dinner last night he said  he wanted to check some business papers in his study. He had a meeting with Gerald, his business partner, the next morning. He asked for some tea. That was about 9 o clock. I was watching a rather exciting film on television, so I told Lucy to take it to him. At quarter past nine Doctor Emerson called. I noticed the time because we expected him to come earlier. I answered the front door bell. Trevor was still shouting in his study. He and Lucy were obviously having a serious row. So I took the doctor into the sitting-room for a moment. Then Trevor stopped shouting. I guessed Lucy went out by the back door. Doctor Emerson went to the study. I think he wanted to persuade Trevor to go to the hospital for some tests, but Trevor didn't want to go. I heard him shouting again several times over the next twenty minutes. He called him an ignorant country doctor, and later he said something like «There s nothing you can do!» I think Lucy came into the house while the doctor was still talking to Trevor. I heard the front door bang during a quiet few seconds when Trevor (not\shout). I was tired and fed up and wend to my bedroom soon after that. My sisterphoned and we were talking for ages. I told her I decided to leave Trevor.

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Ответ эксперта

Оксана, когда стоит артикль the, имеется в виду что-то определенное, а не абстрактное. Существительное может стоять как в единственном, так и во множественном числе. 

Ответ эксперта

мои варианты перевода:

она несколько испугалась, увидев собаку — she was slightly frightened when she saw a dog

особенно важно не терять ни минуты — the most important thing is not to lose any minute

вы хорошо знакомы с М. — нет, я его мало знаю. — Do you have close acquaintance with M.? — No, I don't know him well.

мне очень понравился вчерашний концерт — I enjoyed yesterday's concert very much

они нечасто видятся — They don't see often each other.

Ответ эксперта

прибавлять в весе — to put on weight; худеть — to lose weight; питательный напиток — nourishing drink; выглядеть привлекательным — to look attractive; покупать что-л. в благотворительном магазине — to buy something at charity shop; две чайные ложки сахара — two teaspoons of sugar; щепотка перца — pinch of pepper; чистить картофель — to peel potatoes; тереть сыр — to grate cheese; газированная вода — sparkling water.


1. Now, since I've stayed with the British family in Brighton for a week, let me tell you few words about traditional meals in England. To begin with — about breakfast, which differs greatly from one my mother usually cooks. Breakfast is very light: corn flakes or muesli with milk, toasts with jam and a cup of coffee. Lunch is more unusual comparing with our habitual Russian four-course lunch. There is neither soup, nor fish and meat with garnish. I usually have my lunch box with two sandwiches with ham and cheese, an apple or a banana, a buscuit and a drink. Many local residents prefer such kind of lunch. Dinner is the only home meal. i like it most of all. Usually salad of greens, roasted chicken or beaf, and very tasty dessert are served. Each member of hoasting family prefers ice-cream. But I like home baked goods called «all sorts of things» (или «staff»). I'd like to learn the recipee and to make this dessert at home. I think my parents would be proud of my culinary talents (или cooking talents). 

2. — Excuse me, is it far from the open market?

— No, two minutes on foot. I've just been there.

-How do you find it?

-It's fine there. I've been buying food there within five years — since we've moved to this district. Everything I buy there is always fresh.

-What about prices?

-They are reasonable I should say.

Thank you.


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Лучший ответ по мнению автора
Ответ эксперта

Пишите мне в чат. Разберемся.

Ответ эксперта

Мне кажется, для смс-ки эта фраза вовсе не нужна. По смс обычно передаётся краткая информация. Но если Вам так нужна эта фраза, то лучше написать целиком, а не экономить деньги на нескольких буквах.

Ответ эксперта

It's hard to be a pathoanatomist. One should have steady state of mind and iron nerves. This profession is very dangerous as one can catch different diseases. The diseases may differ — from harmless (rash, for example) to serious ones (such as hepatitis and tuberculosis). 


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