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просят стать родственником, для получения огромного наследства.)
вот afanaishaqesq@gmail.com в блок-лист его поместите пожалуйста
Compliment of the day. Excuse my intrusion into your private life without your prior permission. I hope my mail will not cause you much embarrassment as I write to you in good faith.
From time immemorial, those who have been inspired to bring change have
I am Afana Ishaq Esq ,an Attorney at law, and the Personal lawyer to Engineer M. C. Resko an Oil consultant hereinafter referred to as my client.
On the 21st of April 2003,my client,his wife and their two children were involved in a motor accident along Kara-Sokode expressway while arriving from a Holiday to Lome.All occupants of the vehicle unfortunately lost their lives.
Since then, I have made several inquiries to their embassy to locate any of their extended relatives and this has also proved unsuccessful. I am contacting you to assist in repatriating the fund valued at US$4.5m,(Four million and five hundred thousand United States Dollars),left behind by him before it gets confiscated or declared unserviceable by the Finance company where this huge amount were deposited.The said Finance Company has issued me a notice to provide the next of kin or have his account confiscated within
the next twenty one official working days.
Since I have been unsuccessful in locating the relatives for over 4 years now, I seek your consent to present as the next of kin to the deceased since you have same last names so that the proceeds of this account can be paid to you.
I will not fail to assure you that all the original documents that will be needed in a transaction of this nature ascertaining you as the bonafide next of kin to my Late customer will duly and legally be obtained in your name and favor.
Meanwhile Percentage shall be discussed upon your aceptance working with me in actualizing this gold. All I require from you is your honest co-operation to enable us see this transaction through.
I guarantee that this will be executed under legitimate arrangement that will protect you from any breach of the law. kindly respond through this email address afanaishaqesq@gmail.com for easy communication and to enable me send you the needed information urgently
I expect your urgent response indicating your full interest in this great business transaction to our both mutual trust.
Your telephone and fax number will be needed for our easy communication.
Afana Ishaq Esq
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