Английский!!! Помогите!!!!!!!! - вопрос №124950

1) Define the type of the adverbial modifier in the sentence.

In case of your absence I shall leave you a message.

1)adverbial modifier of result

2)adverbial modifier of concession

3)adverbial modifier of purpose

4)adverbial modifier of condition



2)Choose the right translation of the sentence.

В комнате были дети.


1)There were the children in the room.

2)There were a children in the room.

3)There were children in the room.

4)There was children inthe room.


3)Define the type of the subordinate clause in the sentence.

Although you are a little older than I, you in fact belong to the same generation.

1)clause of concession

2)clause of comparison

3)clause of cause

4)clause of condition


(4)Put the disjunctive question to the sentence.

It is the method which is technically the most efficient.

1)Is it the method which is technically the most efficient?2)Is it the method or approach which is technically the most efficient?

3)What can you say about this method?

4)It is the method which is technically the most efficient, isn't it?


5)Define the marked part of the sentence.

Outside it was getting dark.



3)adverbial modifier




6)Define the type of the subordinate clause in the sentence.

That was what she did that morning on reaching home.

1)predicative clause2)attributive clause3)object clause4)clause of purpose 7)Put the alternative question to the sentence.

Our message spreads among our subcontractors

1)Does our message spread among our subcontractors or costumers?2)What do we spread?3)Our message spreads among our subcontractors, does not it?4)Do our message spreads among our subcontractors or costumers?8)Choose the right translation of the sentence.

Яблоки красные.


1)There are the red apples

2)The apples are red.

3)There is red apples.


9)Define the type of the subordinate clause in the sentence.

What he loved best in the world was painting.

1)object clause

2)clause of purpose

3)attributive clause

4)subject clause


10)Determine the type of the question.

Can such relationship be analyzed using isoquant curves or consumption curves?







11)Finish the disjunctive question.

MIM Holdings is to capitalize on the strong performance of its coal business by almost doubling the division's production over the next five years, … ?

1)won't it


2)will it

3)is not it


12)Define the type of the subordinate clause in the sentence.

The more I knew him, the better I liked him.


1)clause of comparison

2)clause of place

3)clause of cause

4)clause of purpose


13)Determine the type of the question.

What is the meaning of the term «production function»?






14)Determine the type of the question.

Economists are more concerned with the costs aspects of the input-output relationships, are not they?






15)Define the type of the subordinate clause in the sentence.

I shall go provided you yourself help me: if you refuse I shall not go.

1)clause of cause

2)clause of condition

3)clause of place

4)clause of comparison


16)Define the type of the subordinate clause in the sentence.I'd like to see where you live.

1)predicative clause

2)attributive clause

3)object clause

4)subject clause



17)Define the type of the subordinate clause in the sentence.


We got up early the next morning as we wanted to be in London by the afternoon

1)clause of result

2)clause of place

3)clause of cause


18)Determine the type of the question.

Can the relationship be depicted in the form of functional notation?





19)Put the general question to the sentence.

Factor inputs can be combined in a number of different ways to produce the same amount of output.

1)Are factor inputs can be combined in a number of different ways to produce the same amount of output?

2)Can factor inputs be combined in a number of different ways to produce the same amount of output?

3)Factor inputs can be combined in a number of different ways to produce the same amount of output, can't they?

4)Do factor inputs can be combined in a number of different ways to produce the same amount of output?


20)Define the type of the adverbial modifier in the sentence.

He stopped to buy an evening paper.

1)adverbial modifier of result

2)adverbial modifier of purpose

3)adverbial modifier of concession

4)adverbial modifier of condition



21)Define the type of the subordinate clause in the sentence.

He remembered the day when he was awarded the gold medal.

1)predicative clause

2)object clause

3)subject clause

4)attributive clause


22)Define the type of the subordinate clause in the sentence.

Wherever he came, his friends asked him to tell them about his experiments.

1)clause of time

2)clause of place

3)clause of reason


23)Finish the disjunctive question.

Production possibility boundary or transformation curve illustrates the economic problem of scarcity in production, … ?

1)do it

2)did it

3)does not it


24)Define the type of the subordinate clause in the sentence.

The girl did not look at him so that he might not see how terribly worried she was.

1)clause of purpose

2)clause of comparison

3)clause of concession

4)clause of cause


25)Put the special question to the sentence.

The figure below shows the various factors influencing the location of production.

1)The figure below shows the various factors influencing the location of production, does not it?

2)Does the figure below show the various factors influencing the location of production?

3)What does the figure below show?

4)Does the figure below show the various factors influencing the location of production or distribution?










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