Английский - вопрос №137628

Read through the conversation between two old friends.Then fill the gaps a suitable question. A)Im applying for a job in East Africa.B)Are you?I used to live there.In Tanzania.I was there about ten years ago.A)Really i.What..........?B)It was really interesting.I was there for two years.I liked everything except the climate.A)Why?............that.........?B)Well,I was on the coast,in Dar es Salaam,so it was very hot andhumid all of the time.A)And the people,.............?B)Very nice.Very kind.And of the course the Masai people look wonderful.A)....................?B)Well,they very tall and they wear the most amazing coloured beads,in their hair,round their necks,on their arms and legs.And the unmarried men put red mud in their hair.they a magnificent sight.A)I suppose you on safari when you were there. ............that..........?B)It was very exciting.I went to the Serengeti Plain and the Ngoro Ngoro Crater.A)Which animals...........best?B)Actually,I think it was the giraffes.they were so graceful,so elegant-but I liked all the animals.What..............to see if you go there?A)The i hope i get the job.its been great talking to you.B)And you Miye the me a ring and let me know what happens.

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Я так поняла, это задание на like и would like в вопросах.

A)Really? What was the life there like?B)It was really interesting.I was there for two years.I liked everything except the climate.

A)Why? What was that like?B)Well,I was on the coast,in Dar es Salaam,so it was very hot and humid all of the time.

A)And the people,what are they like?B)Very nice.Very kind.And of the course the Masai people look wonderful.

A)Can you describe them?B)Well,they're very tall and they wear the most amazing coloured beads,in their hair,round their necks,on their arms and legs.And the unmarried men put red mud in their hair.they a magnificent sight.

A)I suppose you went on safari when you were there. What was  that like?B)It was very exciting.I went to the Serengeti Plain and the Ngoro Ngoro Crater.

A)Which animals did you like best?B)Actually,I think it was the giraffes. They were so graceful,so elegant-but I liked all the animals.What animals would you like to see if you go there?A)The… i hope i get the job.its been great talking to you.B)And you Miye the me a ring and let me know what happens.

В последнем ответе А) что-то пропущено.

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