Помогите пожалуйста написать контрольную!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - вопрос №1469808

Задание № 1. Перепишите и письменно переведите следующие предложения, подчеркните неопределенные местоимения.

1. I'm not hungry I don't want anything to eat 2. Has anybody seen the bag? 3. Someone has forgotten the umbrella 4. He's busy. He's got some work to do

Задание № 2. Выберите прилагательное в соответствующей степени сравнения Перепишите и переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. Last night I went to bed (early, earlier, the earliest) than usual 2. The speed of this plane is as (high, higher, the highest) as the speed of sound 3. The film was very bad I think it's (bad. worse, the worst) film I've ever seen 4. Is it (expensive, more expensive, the most expensive) to go by car or by tram?

Задание № 3. Выберите нужную форму глагола to be. Перепишите и переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. John (am. is. are) afraid of dogs. 2. This time last year I (were.was. will be) In Pans. 3. Today she is in Madrid. Tomorrow she (is. was. will be) at home 4. Please. be quiet I (were. ere. am) working

Задание № 4. Вставьте there's или It’s. Перепишите и переведите предложения на русский язык

1.… dangerous to work in the road.
2.… a new restaurant in King Street
3.… good film on TV tonight
4.… impossible to understand her.

Задание № 5. Перепишите предложения, переведите их на русский язык. Поставьте предложения в вопросительную и отрицательную формы.

1 Тhe earth goat round the sun
2 We knitted them to our party.
3 I'll meet you outside the hotel

Задание 6. Поставьте глаголы данные а скобках, вo времена групп Simple (Indefinite) или Continuous. Перепишите и переведите предложения на русский язык

1 You look serious What you (think) about?
2 When Karen arrived, we (have) dinner
3 We (see) Rose n town a tow days ago 4 I think the weather (be) nice later

Задание № 7. Поставьте глаголы, данные а скобках, вo времена групп Perfect или Perfect Continuous. Перепишите и переведите предложения на русский язык

1 Jim is away on holiday. He (go) to Spain 2 I didn't know who she was. I never (see) her before 3 She (play) tennis since she was eight 4 The match (finish) by 10 o’clock

Задание № 8. Перепишите и переведите предложения на русский язык. Выпишите из каждого глагол — сказуемое и определите era видовременную форму. Напишите форму инфинитива глагола

1 I have written several letters to my friends this week 2 It had been snowing for a week when we came to the town 3 He graduated from our faculty a year ago. 6 I have been waiting for him for an hour.

Задание № 9. Перепишите и переведите предложения на русский язык. Подчеркните модальные глаголы.

1 I looked everywhere tor the book but I couldn't find it 2 I think the government should do more to help homeless people. 3 The windows are very duty. I must clean them 4 I can look through the newspapers if you need it

Задание № 10. Переписать и письменно переведите текст

Cambridge a situated at a distance of 70 miles from London. It is one of the most beautiful towns In England. The dominating factor in Cambridge is its well-known University, a centre of education and learning Newton. Byron, Darwin and many other scientists and writers were educated at Cambridge. It has 27 colleges. Every college is headed by a dean. Cambridge is built on a river called the Cam. The University was founded in 1209 Today. Cambridge is famous not only for its University but also because it is a very picturesque and ancient city. Many of its buildings are very old: some of them were built about 700 years ago. Some of the older buildings are covered with beautiful plants such as ivy. Many are surrounded by green lawns and ??????multicoloured?????? flower-beds. ?????Axhough????? all she collages belong to the same University, each has its own character and style. There are also many beautiful bridges across the Cam including the Mathematical Bridge and the Bridge of Signs. Cambridge is a very pleasant city to live and study in. Since there are so many colleges, a large number of the city's ??????inhaMants?????? ate young students Sport plays a large part In university life. As Cambridge is on the river Cam. rowing seems to be the most popular sport There are «boathouses» all along the river bank and early in the mornings you'll see many students rowing, whatever the weather Foreigh???? students from different countries enjoy their stay in Cambridge not only because of its beautiful sights, but because they I have a chance to meet many English people of their own age

Задание № 11. Перепишите вопросы к тексту и письменно ответьте на них

1 Where is Cambridge situated? 2 It was founded in 1209, wasn't It? 3 Why is Cambridge a picturesque city? 4 What plays a large part in University life? 5 Do foreign students enjoy their stay in Cambridge and why?

Задание № 12. Исправьте ошибки

1 Betty have one pens, many knife, two box, one brushes 2 This news are good. 3 My friends is postman 4 The sheep are in the field 5 She have 2 deer in the village. 6. Max are a full-time student 7 Has he two goose? 8. Children has many milk tooth

Задание № 13 Переведите предложения в косвенную речь

1. Pete said: «Builders always remove the organic soils» 2. Crane operator said: «The workers disposed waste yesterday » 3. Betty asked: «Will people take measures to protect our nature?» 4. He asked: «What is excavation?» 5 Steve said «Dad has just repaired the ventilation» 6. «I will be building this garage reading all next year», he said. 7. «We were repairing it all day yesterday». told his wife. 8 «Make the coffee a bit stronger». he begged. 9. Она говорит, что мама работает каждый день 10. Она сказала что мама работала вчера


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