Помогите пожалуйста составить диалог «Допрос потерпевшего». - вопрос №1482260

Лучший ответ по мнению автора

Officer: Good morning, madam. Could you answer some questions?
Female: Morning. Sure.
Officer: Good. It won't take a lot of time. So, the first question is what exactly happened yesterday?
Female: I was going home when a thief stole my bag. I called for help but no one cared.
Officer: I need to know where the accident happened.
Female: It happened on the 1st Avenue street, not far from the Natwest Bank.
Officer: What time was it?
Female: I guess it was about 7 pm.
Officer: Okay. Can you remember what did the criminal look like?
Female: I'm afraid not, I was a little bit shocked. But I can say that he was dressed in dark jeans or pants and a blue jacket. And he was pretty tall.
Officer: Well, the last question. Was there something important in your bag?
Female: Of cousre! My driving license was there! Also I had 300 dollars or something in it.
Officer: Okay, that's it. We'll inform you immediatly when we find out something new. Have a nice day!
Female: Thanks, you too. See you!
Officer: Bye!
Лучший ответ по мнению автора

Фаиза Саидова

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