- вопрос №1836936


Task 1.
written — iii
worked — ii
gone — iii
sang — ii
played — ii
ate — ii
drank — ii
digged — ii
slept — ii и iii
made - ii и iii
done — iii
did — ii
was — ii

Task 2
1. works
2. went
3. will play
4. were
5. will get

Task 3
1. Misha had dinner at 2 o'clock.
2. My friend and I knew the rule.
3. Our teacher gave us English tests.
4. The child played football in the park.
5. My mummy came home at 6 p.m.

Task 4
1. Nadya sings an English song at the concert.
2. I go to school on Monday.
3. The girls work in the bank.
4. Boris swims in the river in summer.
5. The old lady is in Odessa.

Task 5.
1. I don't study at the college. I study at school.
2. Tom doesn't like American films. He likes Indian cinema.
3. My friend doesn't eat fruits much.
4. The businessman does not have an office in Ryazan.
5. The students did not go to St.Petersburg. They went to Moscow.
6. We got good marks for the test.
7. I didn't grow flowers in my dacha.
8. We did not sing folk songs yesterday.

Фаиза Саидова

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