Дополнить предложения словами из таблицы - вопрос №230080

Дополните предложения словами из таблицы

up (4) down off on (2) 1. The growth rate in industry is slowing down at the moment. 2. It's dark in here. Can you switch _______ the light, please? 3. Turn _______the computer when you leave, please. 4. I get_______ at seven o'clock every morning. 5. I grew _______ in Italy. 6. A I likethat blue coat. B Would you like to try it_______, Madam? 7. A What would you like to eat? B I can't make _______ my mind. 8. It's excellent news. The figures are going _______again this month.

Лучший ответ по мнению автора

1. down (уже употреблено в качестве примера).

2. on.

3. off.

4. up.

5. up.

6. on.

7. up.

8. up

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