Здравствуйте, Использую Embercadero Rad Studio Delphi XE8. Пишу клиент-серверное приложение используя Socket'ы. В итоге: клиент успешно подключается - вопрос №2970518

В итоге: клиент успешно подключается к серверу, сервер отправляет сообщения клиенту, а вот в обратном направлении выдает ошибку asynchronous socket error 10053


WSAECONNABORTED (10053) Software caused connection abort.
Berkeley description: A connection abort was caused internal to your host machine. The software caused a connection abort because there is no space on the socket's queue and the socket cannot receive further connections.
WinSock description: Partly the same as Berkeley. The error can occur when the local network system aborts a connection. This would occur if WinSock aborts an established connection after data retransmission fails (receiver never acknowledges data sent on a datastream socket).
TCP/IP scenario: A connection will timeout if the local system doesn't receive an (ACK)nowledgement for data sent. It would also timeout if a (FIN)ish TCP packet is not ACK'd (and even if the FIN is ACK'd, it will eventually timeout if a FIN is not returned).
User suggestions: There are a number of things to check, that might help to identify why the failure occurred. Basically, you want to identify where the problem occurred.
· Ping the remote host you were connected to. If it doesn't respond, it might be off-line or there may be a network problem along the way. If it does respond, then this problem might have been a transient one (so you can reconnect now), or the server application you were connected to might have terminated (so you might not be able to connect again).
· Ping a local host to verify that your local network is still functioning (if on a serial connection, see next step)
· Ping your local router address. If you're on a serial connection, your local router is the IP address of the host you initially logged onto with SLIP or PPP.
· Ping a host on the same subnet as the host you were connected to (if you know one). This will verify that the destination network is functioning.
· Try a «traceroute» to the host you were connected to. This won't reveal too much unless you know the router addresses at the remote end, but it might help to identify if the problem is somewhere along the way.
WinSock functions: recv(), recvfrom(), sendto(), FD_CLOSE
Additional functions: send() can also fail with WSAECONNABORTED. Any function that takes a socket as an input parameter--except close socket()--could potentially fail with this error.Вкратце — WSAECONNABORTED Подключение было разорвано из-за таймаута или другого отказа. Те что-то произошло на «той» стороне или по дороге к той стороне, и она не в состоянии или не «захотела» продолжать обмен.


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Михаил Евгеньевич

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