Прочтите 1 – 4 абзацы текста и выполните задания к ним. CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY - вопрос №3260889

1 Cambridge is one of the most privileged* educational and research centers. It is also one of the loveliest towns of England. Cambridge is not a modern industrial city and looks more like a country town*. In Cambridge everything centres on the University and its colleges, the oldest of which was founded in 1284 2 Cambridge University is the second-oldest university in England after the University of Oxford. It closely connected with the life and thought of Great Britain. Newton, Byron, Darwin, Rutherford and many other scientists and writers graduated from Cambridge. The University has thirty-one colleges; three of them are for women only. In 2005 Cambridge produced more PhD* students than any other university. 3 Rejection* by Cambridge does not mean that you are less able*. You can easily go to any other univer sity in the country with your results from Cambridge entrance exams*. So, all the candidates have great abilities.They all have brilliant references* from teachers, and very often played a great part in their schools' social lives. 4 Most of the applicants* go to interviews* in mid-December. Usually there are two interviews: one is about the main academic subject, and the other is on the applicants' general knowledge. They ask you about your life, academic interests, give some problems to solve* right during the interview, etc. 5 Cambridge is a privilege and also some luck. It is definitely about very hard work. But mainly it is about the ability to think independently* and originally and the desire* for thinking. Cambridge University has eighty-eight Nobel prize winners, which is more than in any other institution in the world. Notes look after — следить, присматривать за
composition- сочинение privileged — привилегированный country town — провинциальный город PhD – научная степень, соответствующая «кандидату наук» rejection — отказ able — способный entrance exams – вступительные экзамены references — характеристики applicant -абитуриент interview — собеседование solve- решать independently -самостоятельно desire -желание Задания к тексту 1 Укажите, в каких абзацах текста (1-4) содержится информация (A-D) . A. Those who want to enter Cambridge go to the interview. B. Candidates to Cambridge are very able people. C. Members of Cambridge University successfully graduate from postgraduate courses. D. Cambridge is a beautiful country town. 2 Выберите вариант завершения предложения соответствующий тексту: Cambridge students A. … take part in the boat racing every year. B. … were very active during their school years. C. … publish the results of their research in scientific journals. D. … like to take pictures of the beautiful University buildings.
3 Укажите абзац, в котором говорится о знаменитых ученых и писателях, окончивших Кембриджский университет. 4 Абзац 4 рассказывает о A. …возможности поступить в другие университеты. B.… собеседовании при поступлении в Кембриджский университет. C.…необходимости писать сочинение при поступлении в университет D. …факультативных занятиях студентов.

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1. А-4; В-3; С-2; D-1
2. В
3. 2 абзац
4. В
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