Помогите разобраться . - вопрос №3974348

. Choose the right term from the list given below and complete the sentences.

Programmer, abort, feature, execute, closed source, crash, compatible, bug, error, end user, terminate, proprietary, open source.

1. A person who writes or modifies computer programs or applications is usually called a...

2. ...means to start a program on a computer.

3. ...is something a computer program is «supposed» to do; these are often reasons to use a particular program or upgrade to a more recent version.

4. An error that usually occurs in a computer program is a… .

5. ...is a computer failure due to faulty hardware or a serious software bug.

6. ...means to cause a process or task to stop executing.

7. A person who uses a product or service on a computer is...

8. ...is termed as an incorrect action attributable to poor judgment, ignorance, or inattention.

9. ...means to end a program or a process before its completion.

10. Software, capable of being used without modification is called...

11. Software in which the license stipulates that the user cannot see, edit, or manipulate the source code of a software program is recognized as...

12. Privately developed and owned technology means...

13. A program in which the code is distributed allowing programmers to alter and change the original software as much as they like is called
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1 ответ


1. programmer

2. execute
3. feature
4. bug
5. crash
6. terminate 
7.end user
8. abort
9. abort
10. compatible
11. closed source
12. proprietary
13.open source

Вроде бы так



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