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If a person is found guilty of a fairly small offence, and has no previous convictions, he may receive no punishment at all. But he is told that if he does wrong again, the first offence will be taken into account along with the next. Or he may be placed on probation, but under the supervision of a probation officer. Punishments may also be in the form of fines or imprisonment, and some offenders may be given suspended prison sentences.

The death penalty for murder was first abolished for a five-year period in 1965. It was then completely abolished in 1969, although opinion polls seemed to show that over two-thirds of the public were in favour of death punishments.

Meanwhile some other types of crime, including crimes of violence andtheft, have increased in recent years, and many crimes are committed by young people. The prisons are overcrowded.At the same time there seems to be some confusion about the purpose of punishment. The fear of punishment is intended to deter people from committing crimes, but when they have committed their crimes they are not likely to be reformed by life in prison, where they often have to live in sordid and dreary conditions with too little to occupy them.

Young offender (between sixteen and twenty-one years old) may be sent to Borstal institutions, sometimes in ordinary prison buildings, where courses of training are given. There are special juvenile courts; younger offenders may be also sent to «approved schools».

(Andrew Barrett, Crime and Punishment, 2010)

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