Replace the words in bold with the correct form - вопрос №4728616

a) I would like to visiting India one day.
b) Actually, we'd rather to take the early train.
c) I'm not go to take a holiday this year.
d) Are you plan to stay at home this evening ?
e) Did you rather go to a different restaurant ?
f) We are planning invite at least fifty people to the party.
g) Are you going come out with us this evening ?
h) I had like to say something, please.
Вопрос задан анонимно
1 ответ

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a) I would like to visit India one day.
b) Actually, we'd rather take the early train.
c) I'm not going to take a holiday this year.
d) Are you planning to stay at home this evening ?
e) Would you rather go to a different restaurant ?
f) We are planning to invite at least fifty people to the party.
g) Are you going to come out with us this evening ?
h) I would like to say something, please.
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