Помогите найти ошибки в каждом предложении, пожалуйста 1. He dialled another number and drummed impatiently on the desk with his fingers as he waited, listening to the bell buzzing at another end of - вопрос №4741503

line. 2. Emily looked very seriously in a black dress with a white collar. 3. I am looking at this letter for 10 minutes, but I still can't make out the signature. 4. At the end of luncheon we went back into the drawing-room and after we had coffee Edward joined us. 5. One may always get up from a meal feeling one could eat a little more. a 6. Let me think it over for few minutes and see if I can arrive at sion that will be fair to each of us. 7. She still doesn't want to see me, although I have tried everything I know theatre tickets, opera tickets, two-pages telegrams, perfume. 8. Your very first efforts may be disappointed, but this is usually due to your eagerness to do the work quickly. 9. With little experience, you can become a good photographer. 10. My little daughter's pen friend is coming to stay with us for a couple of weeks in Easter.11. Her hair were as a wet fleece of gold, and each separate hair was as a thread of fine gold. 12. He knew the cry of every bird, and might call the starlings from the tree-top, or the heron from the mire. 13. He is really far too small to allow to stay with the guests till late. 14. When I was in Russia I saw what Russians were really like. 15. After the dance I felt as if I lost all my strength.
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