заполните пропуски, образуя нужную форму глаголов. - вопрос №5150763

1 if I....you, I… the job ( to be, to get) 2 if I....you, I ....for a new job (to be, to look) 3 if you ....me your e-mail, I....you soon (to give, to write) 4 if he...., he ....such a mistake (to listen, not to make) 5 if I… a big garden, I ....flowers (to have, to grow) 6 if we ...., we ....late (to hurry, to be) 7 I ....you if you ....slowly (to understand, to speak) 8 you… cold if you ....a coat (to be, not to wear) 9 if you ....any questions, I....to answer them (to have, to try) 10 if he ....well, he… so many mistakes (to study, not to make) 11 I ....you his address if I ....it (to give, to know) 12 he....there if his family… (not to go, not to invite) 13 if I ....her better, I ....you (to know, to introduce) 14 if he ....children, he ....at school (to like, to work) 15 I.… the cake if I ....that you were coming (to bake, to know) 16 I ....it if I ....it with my own eyes (not to believe, not to see) 17 if he ....the river was dangerous, he… to swim across it (to know, not to try) 18 I ....a taxi if I ....it was a long way (to hire, to realize) 19 if you… me yesterday, I ....because of illness (to call, not to come) 20 if she .....a chance, she ....me (to have, to call)
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