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Do you have a local? There are about half a dozen pubs that I go to around Bloomsbury and all the landlords hate me. I'm the bloke who sits in the corner asking them to turn the music down.

What keeps you awake at night? Toothache. I obviously didn't drink enough last night and my tooth gave me terrible trouble.

Who wouldyou most like to get stuck in a London Eye pod with? My best mate because we'd have a laugh — either that or someone with a ladder, but that's not funny, is it?

When did you last lose something valuable and what was it? I lose a pair of Ray-Bans every week — never buy expensive sunglasses is my advice.

List three things you would abolish from London life. Eating in cinemas, babies in restaurants and, of course, poverty and cancer.

When and where did you last get drunk? Despite my fondness for pubs, I haven't been roaringly drunk for a long time.

When was the last time you went to a nightclub? 1979, I think — it was somewhere in London but don't ask me to be specific.

Where is the sexiest place in London? I'm not very good on these lifestyle questions.

What don't you leave London without? My Walkman. I hate noise — chewing, sniffing, coughing, talking on mobiles — so I never go anywhere without it.

When did you last lose your temper? With the producer of Come Together with Ricky Gervais. The lights weren't working, then there wasn't any film in the camera. I'm joking, of course — the end result is a work of brilliance.

Where did you last blow £500 and what was it on? Joining that gym — £500 is a lot of money to pay for a regular supply of soft drinks.

What's the first piece of advice you'd give a London tourist? Either move faster or get out of my way.

What was the last conversation you had with a London cabbie? I never, ever have conversations with cab drivers — I've always got my Walkman on.

When was the last time you broke the law? I'm a law-abiding man. I even pay my council tax by direct debit.

If you were invisible for a day, where would you go in London and what would you do? I'd go to London Zoo, get into a cage with one of the primates and make him dance. The tourists would freak. I'd pay to see that.

What's the best thing you can do in London without paying for it? Looting and robbing — in a non-violent way, of course.

What's the most overrated thing in London? Capital Radio.

What do you miss most when you're out of London? My flat. I love slobbing around and I hate being away from home.

What makes you proud to be a Londoner? The mile radius around my house — Bloomsbury is the best place in the world to live.

Have you ever been a victim of violence in London? I was mugged once just after I started at UCL but that was a long time ago.

What is the most expensive meal you've had in London and who did you eat with? Some executives from Channel 4 took me out for dinner and we went to a restaurant near Berkeley Square where there was a bottle of wine on the menu for £30,000. I felt I just had to call the waiter over to ask him if it was any good.

What is your favourite view? Never trust a man who doesn't drink.

What and where is your favourite painting or work of art? It's hard to single out one thing — I liked most of the stuff they showed at the Sensation exhibition.

What last made you cry? World hunger. No, I tell a lie — it was The Waltons.

Where in London would you have your ashes scattered? I've given this quite a lot of thought. My mum died recently and she loved bingo so I think it would be quite fitting if my ashes were scattered at Mecca Bingo — that way my family would feel like they were visiting both of us.

If your house were on fire, which three things would you rescue? My cat Colin, my pet salamander Tel and one of my twin babies.

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Do you have a local? There are about half a dozen pubs that I go to around Bloomsbury and all the landlords hate me. I'm the bloke who sits in the corner asking them to turn the music down.

Как насчет местных? Есть около половины дюжины пабов, в которые я захаживаю в Блумзбери (район в центральной части Лондона-мое примечание), где все хозяева ненавидят меня. Я тот самый малый, который сидит в углу и просит их сделать музыку тише.

What keeps you awake at night? Toothache. I obviously didn't drink enough last night and my tooth gave me terrible trouble.

Что не дает Вам спать по ночам? Зубная боль. Я точно недопил прошлой ночью и мой зуб доставил мне большую проблему.

Who would you most like to get stuck in a London Eye pod with? My best mate because we'd have a laugh — either that or someone with a ladder, but that's not funny, is it?

С кем бы больше всего Вы хотели бы застрять в «Лондонском глазе»? С моим приятелем, потому что мы посмеялись бы над этим – даже если кто-то на подъеме, но это уже не смешно, правда?

When did you last lose something valuable and what was it? I lose a pair of Ray-Bans every week — never buy expensive sunglasses is my advice.

Когда Вы последний раз теряли что-то и что это было? Я теряю очки от Ray-Bans каждую неделю – мой совет: никогда не покупайте дорогие очки.

List three things you would abolish from London life. Eating in cinemas, babies in restaurants and, of course, poverty and cancer.

Перечислите три вещи, которые Вы бы упразднили в жизни Лондона? Еда в кинотеатрах, дети в ресторанах и, конечно же, бедность и рак.

When and where did you last get drunk? Despite my fondness for pubs, I haven't been roaringly drunk for a long time.

Когда и где Вы последний раз напились? Несмотря на мою любовь к пабам, я не гудел шумно уже давно.

When was the last time you went to a nightclub? 1979, I think — it was somewhere in London but don't ask me to be specific.

Когда в последний раз Вы ходили в ночной клуб? В 1979, думаю. Это было где-то в Лондоне, но не помню точно где.

Where is the sexiest place in London? I'm not very good on these lifestyle questions.

Где самое сексуальное место в Лондоне? Я не совсем тот человек, который владеет такими ответами.

What don't you leave London without? My Walkman. I hate noise — chewing, sniffing, coughing, talking on mobiles — so I never go anywhere without it.

Без чего бы Вы не покинули Лондон? Без моего плеера. Я ненавижу шум – жевание, сопение, покашливание, разговоры по мобильному – поэтому, я никогда никуда не выхожу без него.

When did you last lose your temper? With the producer of Come Together with Ricky Gervais. The lights weren't working, then there wasn't any film in the camera. I'm joking, of course — the end result is a work of brilliance.

Когда последний раз Вы теряли контроль над собой? С продюсером «Come Together» Рикки Герваисом. Освещение не работало, потом в камере не оказалось фильма. Я шучу, конечно, конечный результат – великолепная работа.

Where did you last blow £500 and what was it on? Joining that gym — £500 is a lot of money to pay for a regular supply of soft drinks.

Когда и на что в последний раз Вы выкинули на ветер 500 фунтов? Примкнув к тому клубу – 500 фунтов – огромные деньги за регулярное снабжение безалкогольными напитками.

What's the first piece of advice you'd give a London tourist? Either move faster or get out of my way.

Что прежде всего Вы посоветуете туристам, посещающим Лондон? Или быстрее продвигаться или уйти с моей дороги.

What was the last conversation you had with a London cabbie? I never, ever have conversations with cab drivers — I've always got my Walkman on.

Что было последним обсуждением с таксистом Лондона? Я никогда в жизни не заводил разговоров с таксистами – я всегда в наушниках.

When was the last time you broke the law? I'm a law-abiding man. I even pay my council tax by direct debit.

Когда последний раз Вы нарушили закон? Я – законопослушный человек. Я даже регулярно плачу муниципальный налог.

If you were invisible for a day, where would you go in London and what would you do? I'd go to London Zoo, get into a cage with one of the primates and make him dance. The tourists would freak. I'd pay to see that.

Если бы Вы стали невидимкой на один день, куда бы Вы пошли в Лондоне и что бы Вы сделали? Я бы пошел в Лондонский зоопарк, вошел бы в клетку с одним из приматов и заставил бы его танцевать. Подурачил бы туристов. Я бы заплатил, чтобы это увидеть.

What's the best thing you can do in London without paying for it? Looting and robbing — in a non-violent way, of course.

Что лучше всего Вы могли бы сделать в Лондоне бесплатно? Мародерство и грабеж – ненасильственным путем, конечно.

What's the most overrated thing in London? Capital Radio.

Что является чересчур ценным в Лондоне? Радио Капитал.

What do you miss most when you're out of London? My flat. I love slobbing around and I hate being away from home.

Что больше всего Вам не хватает, когда Вы не в Лондоне? Моей квартиры. Я люблю быть неряшливым и ненавижу быть вне своего дома.

What makes you proud to be a Londoner? The mile radius around my house — Bloomsbury is the best place in the world to live.

Что заставляет Вас гордиться быть Лондонцем? Район в радиусе мили вокруг моего дома – Блумзбери – самое лучшее место в мире, чтобы жить.

Have you ever been a victim of violence in London? I was mugged once just after I started at UCL but that was a long time ago.

Вы когда-нибудь были жертвой насилия в Лондоне? Меня ограбили однажды и только после этого я стал сверхосторожным, но это было очень давно.

What is the most expensive meal you've had in London and who did you eat with? Some executives from Channel 4 took me out for dinner and we went to a restaurant near Berkeley Square where there was a bottle of wine on the menu for £30,000. I felt I just had to call the waiter over to ask him if it was any good.

Какое блюдо Вы ели самое дорогое в Лондоне и с кем Вы его ели? Представители Канала 4 пригласили меня на ужин и мы пошли в ресторан около Баркли-Сквер (живописная площадь в центральной части Лондона; один из аристократических районов), где бутылка вина в меню стоит 30 000 фунтов. Я полагал, что нужно было позвать официанта, чтобы спросить его, было ли вино достаточно хорошим.

What is your favourite view? Never trust a man who doesn't drink.

Какая Ваша самая любимая марка? Никогда не доверяйте тому, кто не пьет.

What and where is your favourite painting or work of art? It's hard to single out one thing — I liked most of the stuff they showed at the Sensation exhibition.

Какая Ваша самая любимая картина или произведение искусства и где это находится? В основном, мне нравится то, что выставляют на выставке Сенсейшн.

What last made you cry? World hunger. No, I tell a lie — it was The Waltons.

Что из последнего заставило Вас плакать? Мировой голод – я шучу. Это был телесериал «Уолтоны» (Телесериал о жизни бедной вирджинской семьи в период Великой депрессии. Шел в 1972-81).

Where in London would you have your ashes scattered? I've given this quite a lot of thought. My mum died recently and she loved bingo so I think it would be quite fitting if my ashes were scattered at Mecca Bingo — that way my family would feel like they were visiting both of us.

Где в Лондоне Вы бы развеяли свои останки? Я уже достаточно много об этом думал. Мама недавно умерла и она любила бинго, итак, я подумал, что было бы достаточно удобно, если бы мои останки развеяли в Mecca Bingo – таким путем моя семья бы почувствовала, что посещает нас обоих.

If your house were on fire, which three things would you rescue? My cat Colin, my pet salamander Tel and one of my twin babies.

Если бы в Вашем доме случился пожар, какие три вещи Вы бы спасли прежде всего? Мою кошку Колин, моего домашнего питомца саламандру Тэл и одного из моих двойняшек.

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