Составить диалог на тему:Покупка музыкального... - вопрос №943350

Составить диалог на тему: Покупка музыкального инструмента

Лучший ответ по мнению автора

S. Excuse me, sir. Can I help you? 
С. I would like to buy a good guitar in your shop. Have you got any? 
S. Certainly. It's at the section of stringed instruments. Follow me, please. What can you say about this one? 
C. It looks quite good. Could you tell me about its characteristics, please?
S. Yes, if you do want. This guitar is produced by the most famous company in that very sphere which specializes in guitar production. The strings of it are silver plated, guitar fretboard perfectly fits in your hand, guitar soundboard is made of best material. 
С. Oh, it's perfect. But how much does it cost? 
S. It's $1045.35.
C. God. It's too expensive for me. I counted on $450 — 500. 
S. But it's considered to be professional. It's Fender!
C. No, I don't need professional one — I wanted my son to learn to play the guitar.
S. And what about this one? It's much cheaper...
C. No, thank you so much, but i've already decided to change the idea of present.
S. O'k. It's your right, sir. Thank you for coming to our store. We'll wait for you again!
C. Thank you, I will come. Have a good day!
Лучший ответ по мнению автора

Фаиза Саидова

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