Помогите с английским... - вопрос №25835


8. Complete the following sentences by putting the verbs into either the Present Perfect or Past Simple.

1)     We (reach) our targets last year.

2)     Sales (fall) since the beginning of June.

3)     Contracts (be signed) but work (not begin) yet.

4)     The marketing department (recruit) two new assistants so far this year.

5)     We (start) the advertising campaign last month and since then sales(rocket).

6)     Turnover (rise) dramatically since we (be founded).

7)     We (expect) a fall in profits last year as our costs nearly (double).

8)     We (sell) already more units this year than we (do) in the whole last year.



10.Complete the following sentences, using an appropriate verb
of speaking and preposition, where necessary
{speak, tell, talk,

1)     He… us that some managers rate each subordinate by different standards.

2)     He… to us… shifting standards.

3)     He… that to be effective, the appraisal method must be seen to be fair.

4)     He… to us… how personal biases distort rating.

5)     He… that an increasing number of organizations deal with the problem of bias by asking for explanations of ratings.

6)     Then we… about rating styles.

7)     He… about the different patterns of raters: some rate harshly, others rate easily.

8)     He… us that the lack of uniform rating standards is unfair to employees.

   9)     We… to him that we thought it was also unfair to organizations


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10. Complete the following sentences, using an appropriate verb
of speaking and preposition, where necessary {speak, tell, talk,

1) told

2) spoke… about

3) said

4) spoke (без предл.)

5) said

6) talked

7) spoke

8) told

9) said

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have fallen

are signed, hasn't begun

has recruited

started, have rocketed

has risen, were founded

expected, have doubled

have sold, did



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