II. Запишите предложения в вопросительной и отрицательной форме. Задайте специальный вопрос к выделенным словам: 1. Den studies at the University. 2.... - вопрос №1660785

I translated many articles every day. 3. He has just spoken to her. 4. We will take our final exams in June. 5. The students were working very well.


1. Who studies at the University? Where does Dan study? Den doesn't study at the University.
2. Who translated many articles every day? What did you (I) translate  every day? I didn't translate many articles every day.
3. Has he 
just spoken to her? He hasn't just spoken to her.
4. Will we take our final exams in June? When will we take our final exams? We won't take our final exams in June.
5. Who was working very well? How well were students working?  The students weren't working very well.

Выделенных слов не увидела, поэтому задала по нескольку вопросов :)


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