1. Chris __________ .(wake up) by the time we get to his house. 2. According to the timetable, the show ________ (start) at 9 o’clock. 3. I - вопрос №3504211

think I __________(start) my trip next year. 4. I __________(carry) this box for you. 5. This time next week, they ________(lie) on a sandy beach. 6. She_________(be) twenty tomorrow. 7.Martin___________(do) the work by Sunday evening. 8. The bus__________(arrive) at 11 o’clock. 9. I___________(fly) to Turkey next week. I have already booked the flight. 10. James _______________(complete) his studies by the end of this year. 11. I hope I__________(pass) my exams successfully. 12. What___________(do) this summer?
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1 ответ

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1. will have woken up
2. starts
3. will start
4. will carry
5. will be lying
6. will be
7. will have done
8. arrives
9. am flying
10. will have completed
11. will pass
12. are you doing
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