Помогите нужно из 2 слов выбрать одно. подскажите какое. - вопрос №359543

1. Mary's very (sensible/sensitive). She tends to think everything over and she doesn't often make stupid decisions.

2. He's a bit (talkative/bossy). He likes telling people what to do.

3. Bill's wonderfully calm and (relaxed/reserved). I don't think I've ever seen him lose his temper!

4. My sister's very (sensible/sensitive). She always cries when she hears something bad has happened to someone.

5. Andrew'stoo (generous/ambitious). He's never satisfied unless he's the best.

6. Diane is very (friendly/nasty). She's usually the first one to talk to newcomers at school and help them.

7. Chis is a loyal, (polite/reliable) friend. Itrust him completely.

8. they say I'm (rebellious/responsible). I say I'm independent. I just don't like other people telling me what to do all the time!

9. Millie's very (cheerful/helpful) by nature. She's never sad for long.

10. He's so dreadfully (selfless/ selfish)! He never thinks of anyone but himself. 

Лучший ответ по мнению автора

1) sensitive
2) bossy
3) relaxed
4) sensitive
5) ambitious
6) friendly
7) reliable
8) rebellious
9) cheerful
10) selfish 

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