Вставьте суффиксы –s, –’s, –s’ вместо точек, где необходимо. Объясните их значение. - вопрос №3860490

1. The notion of “good manner…” differs from country to country. 2. At 7.00 p.m. the Queen arrives at St. James… Palace, shakes hand… and talks to no fewer than 70 people. 3. We say “Excuse me” to attract somebody… attention when we don’t know the person… name. 4. It is difficult to realize that in Shakespeare… time only a few million people spoke English. 5. There are race law… in Britain that racial tension is a punishable offence. 6. We should communicate more and learn more about each other… culture. 7. It is considered bad manner… to smoke in someone… house without asking a permission. 8. Do you know many Beatle… song…? 9. Night… candle… are burnt out, and jocund day stands tiptoe on the misty mountain top. 10. The Pyramid… stand at the edge of the desert, an hour distance from the city. 11. A friend of hers had shown her his review of Browning… poem…. 12.Jon lighted his father… and Fleur… cigarette….


Алексей, добрый вечер. Объяснение должно быть кратким или нужно по-длиннее? (Или может быть объяснение и вовсе не нужно...)



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