Упражнение 3. Поставьте глаголы из скобок в необходимую форму. 1. Simon ... (be) very glad to see that his brother ... (do) the homework. 2. By the time the film ... (end), she ... (fall asleep). - вопрос №4542283

3. I really… (feel) sick last night because I… (eat) too much raw fish. 4. When Richard… (arrive) at the station he… (find) that his wife just… (leave). 5. First he… (make) a toast, then he… (sit down) and… (drink) a white coffee. 6. Kate… (walk) home because she… (miss) the last bus. 7. By the time we… (get) to Brazil, we already… (spend) all our money. 8. I… (decide) to become a fireman by the time I… (be) eight. 9. She … (sign) the contract before we… (come). 10.I… (phone) my son and… (say) that Bob… (see) him in the pub.


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 Доступно на Google Play Загрузите в App Store   Вставляйте кнопку эксперта на формах и в блогахПолучить код кнопкиВопросы #Учеба и наука #Английский язык #Упражнение 3. Поставьте глаголы из скобок…Упражнение 3. Поставьте глаголы из скобок в необходимую форму. 1. Simon… (be) very glad to see that his brother… (do) the homework. 2. By the time the film… (end), she… (fall asleep). 1. Simon was very glad to see that his brother has done the homework. 2. By the time the film has ended, she has fallen asleep. 3 I really felt sick last night because Ihave eaten too much raw fish. 4. When Richard will arrive at the station he… will find that his wife just will have left. 5. First he is making a toast, then he sit down and drinking a white coffee. 6. Kate walked home because she have missed the last bus. 7. By the time we get to Brazil, we already have spent all our money. 8.I decided to become a fireman by the time I will be eight. 9.  She have signed the contract before we came. 10.I phoned my son and said  that Bob would see him in the pub.


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Анастасия Ильинична

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