Как перевести предложения в косвенную речь? - вопрос №5074476

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  1. The secretary said that the press conference was taking place then in the main hall.
  2. My brother said that Aunt Sally would come on Monday.
  3. The students said that they had had two tests the previous week.
  4. My friend said that I had visited all those places.
  5. The teacher said that they had been writing since early morning.
  6. Her daughter said that she was not listening to music then.
  7. She said that she had not been speaking to him since the previous day.
  8. Tom said that he was a first-year student then.
  9. He said that he would visit me next Friday.
  10. Susan said that she had been in the library two days before.
Лучший ответ по мнению автора

Фаиза Саидова

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