пожалуйста, помогите с тестами... - вопрос №875450

1. This morning … postman brought me … letter without … stamp.

A) an /the / a

B)  — / the/ the

C)  the / the / a

D) a / a / a

E)  a / a / the

2.  Let me introduce …

A) myself

B) yourself

C) himself

D) herself

E)  itself

3. … is talking to her?

A) whose
B) who
C) whom
D) what
E) which

4. … is a place to borrowmoney.

A) shop
B) market
C) hospital

D) bank
E) drugstore

5.  In Britain women often … hats at wedding.

A) put off
B) sell
C) show
D) throw
E)  wear

6. The friend whose party I went to … a pianist.

A) are  

B) having  

C) is  

D) have  

E) am

7. … any furniture in her room?

A) are there   

B) there is   

C) is there   

D) there are 

E) there be

8. Sorry, I can’t talk to you now. I … lunch.

A) have   

B) am having   

C) has  

D) having  

E) had


9.  So far we … no troubles.

A) has had  

B) have had  

C) have  

D) has  

E) having had

10. Steve is late, the car … have broken down again.

A) ought to   

B) can’t  

C) should  

D) must  

E) is to

11. If she … not driven so fast, she … not … crashed her car.

A) had, would have  

B) have, will have 

C) had, have had 

D) has, has had 

E) had, will have

12. At this time tomorrow … over the Atlantic Ocean.

A) We’ll be flying

B) We flying

C) We to fly

D) We’ll fly

E) We fly

13. His hair is so wet. He … a shower.

A) Has just

B) Has just had

C) Just had

D) Had just

E) Had just had

14. Past  Indefinite Passive:

A) I did this work.

B) The work was done.

C) I have done this work.

D) The work was being done.

E) I was doing this work.

15. When I arrived at the party, Tom … already … home.

A) has / gone
B) was / gone
C) — / went
D) had / gone
E) did /go

16. Are you going … smoking?                                                      

A) give up
B) to give up
C) giving up
D) being given up
E) have given up

17. The students asked: “Will we go to the reading hall?”

A) The students asked if they would go to the reading hall

B) The children asked if they went to the concert

C) The students asked that they will go to the reading hall

D) The students asked they would go to the reading hall

E) The children asked if we go to the concert

18. The new hotel  … opened next year.

A) is
B) will
C) is being
D) will be
E) was

19. Tom said “New York is bigger than London”

A) Tom said New York was bigger than London
B) Tom said New York is bigger than London
C) Tom said New York has been bigger than London
D) Tom has said New York is bigger than London
E) Tom said New York had been bigger than London

20. As usual a lot of students live in …

A) undergrounds

B) floors

C) tents

D) hotels

E) hostels 

21. The methods of  cooking, which the Kazakh people used were closely linked with the … and … of life.

A) culture / mode 

B) culture / kind   

C) war / mode    

D) style / sort  

E) level / grade

22. It has three parts: the City, the West End and the East End.

A) New York   

B) London  

C) Moscow 

D) Astana  

E) Warsaw

23. Where is the Kazakh State University named after Abai?

A) in Aktobe
B) in Taraz
C) in Astana
D) in Almaty
E) in Karaganda

24. The early history of Kazakhstan was populated by …

A) foothills
B) tribes
C) physical labor
D) disks
E) chambers

25. The WWW is a part of …

A) monitor
B) site
C) display
D) map
E) Internet






1. This morning the postman brought me a letter without a stamp.
2.  Let me introduce myself. 
3. Who is talking to her?
4. Bank is a place to borrow money. 
5. In Britain women often wear hats at wedding. 
6. The friend whose party I went to is a pianist. 
7. Is there any furniture in her room?
8. Sorry, I can’t talk to you now. I  am having lunch. 
9. So far we have had no troubles.
10. Steve is late, the car must have broken down again.
11. If she had not driven so fast, she would not have crashed her car.
12. At this time tomorrow we'll be flying over the Atlantic Ocean. 
13. His hair is so wet. He Has just had a shower. 
14. Past Indefinite Passive:  

A) I did this work. The Past Indefinite

B) The work was done. The Passive in the Past

C) I have done this work. The Present Perfect

D) The work was being done. The Past Progressive Passive 

E) I was doing this work. The Past Continuous Tense 

15. When I arrived at the party, Tom had already gone home.
16. Are you going to give up smoking?          
17. The students asked if they would go to the reading hall.
18. The new hotel  will be opened next year. 
19.  Tom said that New York was bigger than London.
20. As usual a lot of students live in hostels. 
21. The methods of cooking, which the Kazakh people used, were closely linked with the culture and mode of life. 
22. London.
23. in Almaty.
24. tribes.
25. site 



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