Проспрягать фразы в простых временах... - вопрос №900950

Проспрягать фразы в простых временах: 1) to be a psychologist( утвердительная форма, настоящее время) 2) to be late for lectures( отрицательная форма в настоящем, прошедшем, будущем временах) 3) to work for the company( в настоящем, прошедшем, будущем простых времен) Во всех числах и лицах

Лучший ответ по мнению автора

I'm a psychologist.               We are psychologists

You are a psychologist          You are psychologists

He(she) is a psychologist       They are psychologists


Будущее простое время, отрицательный тип предложений.

I won't be late for lectures.                        We won't be late for lectures

you won't be late for lectures                     you won't be late for lectures

she(he) won't be for lectures                      they won't be late for lectures


Настоящее простое время, отрицательный тип предложений.

I'm not late for lectures                            We aren't late for lectures

you aren't late for lectures                        you aren't late for lectures

she (he) isn't late for lectures                     They aren't late for lectures/

Прошедшее простое время, отрицательная форма

I wasn't late for lectures                    We weren't late for lectures

you weren't late for lectures               you weren't late for lectures.

she(he) wasn't late for lectures           They weren't late for lectures.

Будущее простое время, утвердительная форма.

I'll work for the company                    We'll work for the company

you'll work for the company                 you'll work for the company

she (he) will work for the company       they'll work for the company

Настоящее время, утвердительная форма

I work for the company                       We work for the company

you work for the company                   you work for the company

she(he)  work for the company             they work for the company

Прошедшее простое время, утвердительная форма

I worked for the company                  We worked for the company

You worked for the company               You worked for the company

He(she) worked for the company          They worked for the company   





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Анастасия Ильинична

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