Задание 1. Поставьте глаголы, записанные в скобках, в Past Continuous Active. - вопрос №4169174

  1. Yesterday at 6.30 Mary and Kate were waiting(wait)at the bus stop.
  2. It ______(rain)all day last Sunday.
  3. We were cold and wet because it started to rain but we ______ coats or jackets (not wear).
  4. Some people behind us _______ when we entered the room(talk).
  5. Ben ______ to the teacher in the lecture yesterday so he doesn't know how to do the task now(not listen).
  6. I and my friend _________ football match on TV at 5 p.m. yesterday (watch).
  7. I turned and saw a young woman ________ at the sideof the road (stand).
  8. Helen ______ a big sports bag when I saw her(carry).
  9. Irene ______ but she lookedvery unhappy(not cry).
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2. was raining
3. were not wearing
4. were talking
5. was not listening
6. were watching
7. was standing
8. was carrying
9. was not crying


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