What is winter like in Russia? What can people do in winter season? - вопрос №5030474

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Winter in Russia is a unique experience that should not be missed. It is known for its long, dark, and cold days, but also for its beautiful snow-covered landscapes and numerous winter activities.

Temperatures in Russia during the winter season can range from -20 to -40 degrees Celsius, and the sun can set as early as 3 pm. However, this doesn't stop people from enjoying the winter season. One of the most popular activities is ice skating, with many outdoor and indoor rinks available across the country. Skiing and snowboarding are also popular activities, with many ski resorts in the country offering a range of slopes for all skill levels.

In addition to winter sports, Russia also has a rich culture of winter traditions. One of the most famous is the celebration of New Year's Eve, which is a major holiday in the country. The streets and buildings are adorned with lights and decorations, and fireworks light up the sky at midnight. Another tradition is the celebration of Maslenitsa, a week-long festival that marks the end of winter and the beginning of spring. During this festival, people participate in activities such as sledding, snowball fights, and making traditional Russian pancakes.

For those who prefer indoor activities, Russia has a wide range of cultural and artistic events during the winter season. Theaters and museums offer performances and exhibits, and there are numerous festivals dedicated to music, film, and theater.

Overall, while winter in Russia can be harsh, it is also a time for fun and festivities. From winter sports to cultural events, there is something for everyone to enjoy during the winter season in Russia.



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Фаиза Саидова

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