Помогите пожалуйста, выступите от лица А в диалоге. Напишите фразы, логически связанные с ответами В - вопрос №1469590


B. No, I'm not coming back to the library. I've done my reading for today.


B. It's an excellent idea. I'm dying for a snack.


B. Yes, let's go to our cafeteria and take Roger with us.


B. Oh, is he still reading that 'book on biology? He has been reading it for over three hours.


B. Yes, he is a model student.

Вопрос задан анонимно
1 ответ

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A. Where are you going now? To the library again?

B. No, I'm not coming back to the library. I've done my reading for today.

A. O'k, good. What do you think of going to a cafe and eating anything there?

B. It's an excellent idea. I'm dying for a snack. 

A. So, I have some spare time for this. Let's go.

B. Yes, let's go to our cafeteria and take Roger with us.

A. I am not against Roger. But as far as I remember he was reading a book at the moment I saw him today.

B. Oh, is he still reading that 'book on biology? He has been reading it for over three hours.

A… He must be a very successful in his studying!

B. Yes, he is a model student.

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