Помогите решить тест по английскому. - вопрос №2229716

Vocabulary • Idioms – various Question There is a mistake in each of the sentences below. For questions 1–10, correct the mistakes in the idioms. 1 There aren't any funny noises in the house – it's all in your brain. 2 When he won the lottery, it brought all sort of distant relatives out of the homework. 3 I think you should just bite the butter and tell him how you feel. 4 That cup of coffee was almost the job – I feel a lot better now. 5 She got the job by the strength of her tutor's recommendations. 6 We need to know what happened before the politicians sweep it under the table. 7 He had betrayed her trust and she definitely wasn't going to let him off the hangar. 8 I think you've got the wrong end of the bar here. 9 The staff knew what was going on at the factory but they showed a blind eye. 10 I've never trusted him and I wouldn't put it through him to try it on again.
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