ребята, I need your help! надо вставить пропуски в эти три предложения вообще не знаю, что сюда пихать - вопрос №2429861

1. Have you finished that report yet? I've ____ just started
2. ____ the transport strike, I got to work on time.
3. That ____ be John at the door. He doesn't finish work until 5.30
4. ____ we need in this country is more money for education.
5. You ____ pay for your ticket in advance. You can buy it on the day.
6. If she had been more careful, she ____ have had the accident.
7. Nobody e-mailed me, ____ they? I'm expecting an important message.
8. I'll meet you at 6:00 ____ I have to stay late at the office. If I do, I'll call you.
9. In six months' time I'll have ____ with this company for twenty years.
10. It's amazing. ____ much money I earn, I never have any left at the end of the month.
11. My job is really ____ me down. It's incredibly stressful.
12. Have you got any aspirins? I think I've got a headache coming ____.


Вы бы написали какую тему проходите сейчас, было бы легче понять какие слова вставить надо.


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